Thursday, February 19, 2009

Going Backwards in Georgia

Last week I spoke at a press conference led by the GA Legislative Black Caucus, the Economic Justice Coalition at the Peoples' Agenda and MALDEF against so-called "anti-discrimination legislation," HB 291. The bill would remove all references to race, gender, ethnicity reference from the GA Code, especially in government contracting and education, a classic anti-affirmative action effort. Never mind that minimum women and minority targets in Georgia - where they exist - are in the 5% range and are still not met. Never mind that Georgia has a legacy of racism and a long history of "good ole boy" business dealings.

The lead sponsor, Rep. Clay Cox (R-106th-Lilburn), seems to believe that we have achieved true equality in GA. As a 40-year-old CEO of a private probation services company and rising star in the ruling GA Republican party, life probably looks pretty good. His tough law and order stances are probably helpful to his business interests as well. He seems nice enough when I met him yesterday, and until I learn otherwise, I choose to believe he is misguided and misinformed on this issue. And so it seems are his co-sponsors who include the only two black Republicans and the only Latino and Asian Republicans as well. His own rainbow coalition.

You probably didn't see the press conference or even a mention of it, despite the fact that more than 30 or so people participated, including a dozen or more legislators, and Rev. Lowery. Only Channel 2 showed up, no other stations and no AJC.

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